Tag Archives: Random

Weekend Recap

2 Aug

let’s work our way backward.  this morning i am a zombie sipping coffee.  and this is office coffee.  i have yet to figure out how office coffee remains consistently bland and lifeless from industry to industry, sea to shining sea.  either way, it makes me feel less drunk.  which takes us to last night.

last night, my bff played wing man as we ventured to the “older lady spot”, as several of my younger friends call it.  you see, in atlanta, on the lesbo scene, there are often parties for the really young crowd (20ish… caps… white tees and so forth) and the really old crowd (canes *not kidding!  saw one last night*, pearls, dentures and so forth).  so the dilemma quickly becomes where to go if you’re somewhere in between?…  of course, one could choose to just not go out.  there are many other places besides the club to meet a nice lesbo in atlanta.  i just personally find that it’s one of few places where you can be 99% sure that a lesbo-ish-looking woman is in fact a lesbo.

furthermore, i recently made another declaration (if you’ve missed my explanation of a declaration, read older entries).  i have been single all year.  it’s served its purpose and i’m now over it.  i will bag some hot, young thing by the end of this summer.  i really don’t see doing this winter alone after the year i’ve had. 

so, with that said, the party last night was a bust!  i mean to say that each and every old lesbo in the joint was BUSTED!  save, of course, a few associates i’ve known forever.  i made the crowd a little easier on the eyes with generous servings of grey goose with peace schnapps, chilled with lime.  yaaaay last night… not so much now.  but ahead i forge.  i now have an official mission. 

um… let’s see… saturday…  i cleaned my apartment.  i sat around a little with my mini snuggle bunny before he was off to paw-paw’s (his grandfather).  i ventured out to a pool party/spoken word event.  besides the thick, muggy, mosquito-infested air, several women i could have done without ever seeing in a bathing suit, and very limited amount of eye candy, it was actually pretty cool. 

and finally, friday!  i hit up the local neighborhood bar with the bestie.  always good times!  our favie bartender and comedian is in mexico so we had to settle for martinis made with a lighter hand but they sufficed.  and i saw ms. passion.  she’s such a cutie.  yaaaay for being able to like someone without feeling the need to force it into something else… something more.  i guess there’s something to the automatic braking system i wrote of previously.  only, i’m not sure what happens now that i’ve decided i’m ready to cut the brake line and go full speed ahead.  i’ll careen head-on into either explosive bliss or spectacular disaster.  hey, what’s the worst that can happen?  *cue jaws theme music*

Change Is Good

27 Jul

so, at the advice of my favorite blogger, annah of when red means go, i’m implementing some new additions.  i’m thinking a few “themed” days… give-aways of some sort… and i’m very much looking forward to guest blogging on my other favie blog, sex and the southern belle!!!  the topic?  my ever-looming sexuality.  gays are the new black.  frankly, though, i’m a little sick of us.

in regard to my blog, any suggestions are welcomed.  i like for people to like me so let me know what you want to see here.  you may continue to “inbox” me… or you can leave comments.   unlike annah, i’m not looking to be famous.  so offers of “marketing” are not at the top of my list of things i’m hoping for.

in other, totally unrelated news, this celibacy thing is gettting older by the minute… i’m thinking it’s totally over-rated.  then again, i have had some wonderful opportunity to just be me.  there is something fantastic about feeling free in your own space.  putting on those atrocious, holey grandma drawers and thinking nothing of it. 

eating pepper jack cheese and cookies for dinner, considering no one.  spilling dog food all over the floor and letting it sit there until after work, throwing your usual OCD caution to the wind.  i’m beginning to wonder, though, if there’s a such thing as a relationship in which one can continue to be her quirky self…  i’m thinking yeah.  because i’ve had one.  i still did my silly dances while cooking.  still walked around with my clay mask and do-rag on.  still greedily ate bacon without fear of judgement.  yep, it’s possible.  but certainly not common.  and is the search worth it?  not so far…

Evil Thoughts

25 Jul

i realized that i have some of my most evil thoughts on sundays.  bwah ha haaaaaaaaaaa (evil laugh).  i had every intention of making it to church this morning (for the first time in months) before i was reminded that last sunday is usually guest speaker day and i go to specifically hear my pastor.

nonetheless, i randomly feel vindicated when i hear negative things about alicia keys.  the weird part is that i love alicia keys.  i think she’s fantastically talented and extremely sexy.  but… there’s someone i was feeling earlier this year (wrote about her in march) and things didn’t work out for one reason or another.  and while i’ve let it go, i’m apparently still a little salty over that.  see, she LOVES ms. keys.  thinks she’s the cat’s meow and so forth.  how horrible is it that i feel a small twinge of satisfaction when people blast her for being a “whorish homewrecker” or when she looks like pure hell (see above) because she passed on the makeup and her bumps have bumps?  & also when i hear the song lyric “21 YEARS & I AIN’T NEVER MET A GOOD COP”… random, but if you know, you know.  LOL!  i know i’m wrong…

i have strayed from my positivity diet.  must do better.