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16 Feb

a change ‘gone come… (to the blog, i mean) that to say, please bear with me as i put up ye olde “under construction” sign.

also, follow me on twitter @sweetpeachykeen  (i’m new there… as you’ll quickly tell… so help a sista out)

finally, the work life/ career/ purpose & destiny roller coaster is up and down but mostly up.  update coming soon…

p.s.  how are y’all?!  a few of my usual cyber-buddies are mighty quiet…  drop me an email to let me know you’re sweet and peachy keen =o)

WTF Wednesdays… the 5 Ws Edition

1 Sep


this is the Five Ws edition… instead of WHAT the f**k?, let’s also explore who, what, when, where & why the f**k?  because there are some questions we need answered.


WHO the f**k is going to be the next celebrity to get caught with cocaine and then come up with some REALLY lame excuse?  first, we had lindsay lohan.  she, upon being found with cocaine residue on her pants, said that someone dropped it on her at a party.  yeahhhh…riiiight.  now, i’ve been to some pretty wild parties in my day.  at no point have i ever felt at danger of having cocaine residue dropped on me.  i’ve also had some very intense run-ins with a krispy kreme donut or two in the car.  i’m talking white residue in places you wouldn’t believe.  but… no cocaine residue scares. 

and now, paris hilton.  allegedly, a “source”, her “friend,” says that she’d stopped at a restroom to hide some cocaine in her girly bits (to which, jeff dollar from the bert show morning radio show questioned, wouldn’t it then become crack?) and dropped the cocaine into the hands of a waiting undercover cop.  her response?  it wasn’t her purse.  it was a friend’s.  she was looking for lipgloss.  now, me… and maybe it’s my fear of contagious, life-long stds… but i don’t share lipgloss with “friends”.  speaking of which, you know what they say about birds of a feather.  and they also say, with friends like those, who needs enemies?!

WHAT the f**k does jada pinkett (smith) do to stay so dayum foine?!!  lord, have mercy!

president obama is catching flack (as usual) for declaring to end the war in iraq.  but, seriously foks, if not now, WHEN the f**k will it end?  war is sooo last century!

WHERE the f**k will you be this weekend?  it’s (black) gay pride this weekend in the “a” and i plan to be all over the place!!  i haven’t been excited about pride in five years or so.  for whatever reason though, i’m really looking forward to it.  i think pride is important.  true, some people look at it as just a bunch of parties.  but i’m sure m.l. king & ’em tossed back a few after their civil rights victories.  we are fighting for equal rights and should both celebrate our wins and remain motivated by our challenges.

and WHY the f**k is there always still just a little toothpaste left no matter what obscure shape you’ve twisted the tube into?  in similar mysteries, WHY the f**k is it so hard to make the tiny piece of soap stick to the bigger replacement soap?

oh… and WHY the f**k am i posting a music video that is not related to the post?  well, because while searching for a song entitled, “curiosity”… found this super dope fresh & cool video by the same group instead.  yaaaaay!!

WTF Wednesdays

25 Aug

invasion of the bodysnatchers?

why the heck would someone steal remains that were buried 12 years ago.  please forgive me, but my first thought was some sick corpse-humping fetish.  but wouldn’t a 12yr old corpse just crumble at the first hump?  i don’t know… i have zero training or education in the human body decay process.  either way, WTF?!

and secondly, i LOVES me some ray j!!  why the f*** is this chick looking at him like that?  i swear, if i weren’t a devout lesbian, ray j could sho nuff taste my flava of love!