Archive | February, 2010


19 Feb

honestly… not really seeing the point of it all right now.  i know that i’m supposed to be learning something.  i’m certain, though, that i’m still in love… with someone that i should have learned how to get over by now.  

in other news: life besides that is pretty grand.  i’m settled in my new place.  i had a blast and a brief get-away at mardi gras.  i’m almost caught up in school work.  i may be getting a promotion already at work.  and i’m feeling pretty fantastic about myself these days.

i will attempt to revisit “numerology” soon.  i recently felt disenchanted and let down by the whole thing… astrology, numerolgy, heavenly influence… but i’m ready to hope again.  ready to wish upon a star… maybe the same one i always wish on.  or maybe a new one.