Archive | September, 2010

Like a Boy

17 Sep

i know, i know… post overload today.  well, i’m trying to pass the time.  i’m convinced today is the longest day in the history of days.  i have been feeling sleepy and slightly ill all day and am just eager to get to my eye exam (these contacts are killing me) and get on with my life (nap.)


i was reading a (junk) celebrity blog.  i came across a pic of shiloh jolie-pitt, angelina (my soul mate) and brad’s (that man she’s with until we meet) daughter.  she’s the one who’s decided that she wants to “be a boy.”  i applaud brad and angelina for allowing their child to express herself however she wants.  plus, it’s cute.  whether she grows up to be a lesbian or transgendered or whatever… i have always admired the strength of a woman who can wear and do what she wants regardless of society’s rules and expectations.  i think that’s why i’ve always been attracted to “studs”… there’s just something incredibly sexy about a strong looking woman who holds her head high in spite of constant stares and glares.

my point though, is that one of the comments to the pic of shiloh was “what they are doing to that child is atrocious and should be illegal.  dressing like a boy shouldn’t be allowed until at least high school.”  WTF?!!  why are kids taught “boy” clothes and “girl” clothes, “boy” toys and so forth?  and why do people believe that their children are their property?  i’m here to tell you, kids… wear what you want!  be who you want!  i’ll let you in on a little secret… the folks who don’t like it/you don’t matter!

Keep Dreaming

17 Sep

congratulations, Atlanta Dream, for making it to the WBNA finals!!  they played some really great games, including the last of the series thursday evening.  i’m not sure whether it was the long walk from my seat to the bar but the game seemed to fly by!  before i knew it, it was the fourth quarter.  the score stayed really close from beginning to end.  some (many) think the refs showed considerable favortism toward the storm.  in the end, we lost.  i am already looking forward to next season and considering buying season tickets.  in the meantime, i’ll be dreaming of my wives… erika, armintie, shalee, and alison.  yumsters, ladies… just yumsters!!!

in totally unrelated news, the things i would do to this woman… (that’s ciara)

then again, that’s not really unrelated at all. 


Last days

17 Sep

seriously, i hate to sound like an old person but what is this world coming to?  people are going “crazy” in record numbers.  and the expressions of craziness seem to be even crazier than usual.

for example, the woman, Bethany Storro, who admitted throwing acid in her own facing after previously claiming that a “black woman” did it to her, sparking a barage of racially feuled word wars across the blogosphere.

folks, let us pray…