Archive | December, 2010

Year in Review

26 Dec

so i’ve still been lurking.  i would miss you guys something terrible if i hadn’t logged on to read your posts.  i felt guilty at times, getting so much from your transparency but giving nothing.  thewritersays made me cry several times (in that good way.)  and ulla of lesbian neurotica has a way of making me feel so hopeful.  the rest of them just kept me in stitches, made me laugh when food and laughter were the absolute only things keeping me from (figuratively?) slitting my throat.

well, i made some mistakes.  you know the kind where you immediately know you made the wrong decision?  where the repercussions are instantly recognizable?  but, as they say, all things happen for a reason.  unfortunately, i may never know said reasons, but alas… i succumb to the will of the Universe.

i wish there was some way to recount every tiny thing so that my growth is more visible.  i really am in a good place.  there are some lessons i am determined to learn and leave in this year 2010.  less than a week to go, true.  but i feel soooo close!  i’ve got a feeling 2011 will be epic.  it’s pretty much gotta be.

i’ve learned a lot about myself putting it all out there for the world.  and that was my goal.  share and learn.  but it definitely takes its toll.  initially, my intention was to write a fashion & beauty blog.  you know, all things irritatingly girlie.  i’m considering exporting this one to my old, blogger address and revisiting my original intent.  i understand my readership might change.  maybe drastically.  but i hope to stay in touch with all my friends in the blogosphere either way.

i’m still trying to figure it out, this love and relationship thing.  what’s that saying, “life’s a journey…”?  cool thing is, i’m still hopeful, i’m still open.  and i’m finally really ready.  i’m currently chatting with not one, not two, but several really cool people.  i’m taking it very slowly, guarding my heart, and this time, i’ll be bulletproof.  and you best believe, when princess charming steps out from the crowd and makes herself known, there will be a billboard sized breaking newsflash, beauty blog or not!!!

love you guys so very much!

sweet juicy peach flavored smooches,

and happy new year!!!