Quite a Week

18 Jul

the new dream job is going fabulously.  week one of my several week-long orientation was exhausting!!!  i basically read research and sat in meetings all week.  i am still very excited and still kinda caught in a whirl-wind with the entire thing.  i’m in a really incredible place career wise.

i was very much looking forward to this weekend and the time it would allow for catching up on personal primping (beauty rituals), house work and my educational endeavors.  i was also hoping to either drink or dance some of  my cares away.  so far, i’ve  had a few martinis at the favorite local bar, fixed breakfast for (late) lunch for the bff, folded an absurd amount of clothes and went over to the bff’s while my little one had auntie time at the drive-in.

there is quite a bit on the to-do list for tomorrow.  there’s a lot of pressure for the remaining one day of the weekend before the demanding work begins again.

as far as other (random) updates, an ex (one of the few i still actually like and speak to) forbade me from seeing “ms. practical”!  she knows her, reminded me that i’d had some contact with her before (i have a really bad memory), and strongly suggested i never speak to her again.  “ms. passion” and i are still taking things slowly.  she’s having the expected break-up drama.  i’m trying to remain distant from it all while still being there.  i’ve really grown to like her as a person so when it really comes down to it, i want to be her friend (a real friend) regardless of whether things go any further or not.

altogether, things are still pretty up and down, round and round.  except my fitness regimen.  that’s way down.  since the new job began, i haven’t worked out at all!!!  that’s pretty huge for me to skip an entire week and i have not even entertained the idea of lightening up on the eating to balance things out.  so i’m going to have to figure something out soon…

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