Archive | July, 2010

Fitness… FAT Friday

30 Jul

so, although i’d deemed fridays “fitness fridays,” i haven’t worked out in weeks.  i did however select the elliptical i’m buying this weekend from the home shopping network.  woot woot for payment installments!!!

anywho… in honor of “fat fridays,” today is NATIONAL CHEESECAKE DAY!!!  i’m not the hugest cheesecake fan but i will be disowned if i don’t personally notify my mother of this “holiday.” 

according to,
This Friday, July 30, is National Cheesecake Day. To celebrate, The Cheesecake Factory is offering customers slices for half the price on Friday [dine-in] only.

Change Is Good

27 Jul

so, at the advice of my favorite blogger, annah of when red means go, i’m implementing some new additions.  i’m thinking a few “themed” days… give-aways of some sort… and i’m very much looking forward to guest blogging on my other favie blog, sex and the southern belle!!!  the topic?  my ever-looming sexuality.  gays are the new black.  frankly, though, i’m a little sick of us.

in regard to my blog, any suggestions are welcomed.  i like for people to like me so let me know what you want to see here.  you may continue to “inbox” me… or you can leave comments.   unlike annah, i’m not looking to be famous.  so offers of “marketing” are not at the top of my list of things i’m hoping for.

in other, totally unrelated news, this celibacy thing is gettting older by the minute… i’m thinking it’s totally over-rated.  then again, i have had some wonderful opportunity to just be me.  there is something fantastic about feeling free in your own space.  putting on those atrocious, holey grandma drawers and thinking nothing of it. 

eating pepper jack cheese and cookies for dinner, considering no one.  spilling dog food all over the floor and letting it sit there until after work, throwing your usual OCD caution to the wind.  i’m beginning to wonder, though, if there’s a such thing as a relationship in which one can continue to be her quirky self…  i’m thinking yeah.  because i’ve had one.  i still did my silly dances while cooking.  still walked around with my clay mask and do-rag on.  still greedily ate bacon without fear of judgement.  yep, it’s possible.  but certainly not common.  and is the search worth it?  not so far…

Tipsy Tuesday!!!

27 Jul

For after work, of course 🙂

Adios Motherfucker (A.M.F.)

1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Rum
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
2 oz Sour mix
2 oz 7-Up
Mixing instructions:
Pour all ingredients except the 7-Up into a chilled glass filled with ice cubes. Top with 7-Up and stir gently.