Archive | August, 2010

Tipsy Tuesday

31 Aug

so y’all know that i started using the “random drink” generator (at to pick our tipsy tuesday cocktail.  and honestly, this one… i’m not sure about. 

Kahlua Sour


Mixing instructions:

Mix Kahlua and lemon juice, add sugar and enjoy.

i don’t know…, maybe it’s just me but the kahlua i know is creamy and goes best with coffee-ish mixers.  but then again, i’m all for the unexpected!

and in other news, it was really cool dating & living with a bartender.  i’m just sayin’.

Weekend Recap

30 Aug

i had a super terrific and wonderful weekend!! 

we know that i like (need) to work my way backward through these things (it’s the drinking, guys) so here goes it…

so i had every intention of working out sunday morning.  i’d slept until 10 and  awoke refreshed and ready to start my day.  i cleaned a little and then suited up for my elliptical ride.  it was at that time that i discovered my batteries in the place of an adapter tactic was good for approximately ONE workout (i bought an adapter last night and had a so-so great workout this morning).  i then stood outside with the rest of the neighbors trying to figure out why police, ambulance and fire trucks were all up in everywhere.  turns out someone died/almost died.  i still don’t know the details since i speak to as few of my neighbors as possible (i have mentioned i live in the hood, yes?).  so, after accessing the scene, i headed to the fitness center which is oddly only open when the leasing office is.  i’m guessing this is due to the fact that hood-folk are liable to carry out the gym equipment and sit it on their front lawns were it to be accessible (in the manner of several close-by neighbors).  either way, the leasing office is apparently now closed on sundays.  i checked my mail for the first time in 3 months, walked back to my apartment and took it all as a sign that God didn’t want me to workout.  and who am i to go against His will?  instead, i fixed bacon and drank coffee.  later, i went to volunteer with the lovely ladies of bedazzledo at the children’s hospital.  it was a beautiful experience that really reminded me to be grateful and to keep things in perspective.  finally, i had a date with my absolute favorite (little) person.  we had dinner at his favorite seafood restaurant where he ate like a grown man and kept me entertained with tales of the fourth grade.  it was all perfect for my favorite day of the week.

saturday… oh!!! (totally drew a blank for a second) i had an interesting breakfast date/conversation.  afterward, i drove around for over an hour looking for a house i wanted to view.  never found it but did find the location of another property i was interested in.  i had a great nap (naps ROCK) and headed over to the bestie’s to do her makeup and get myself ready to attend a totally terrific spoken word/live music show.  eventually, far too much liquor was consumed and a great time was had by all.

and friday…hmmm… (drew an even longer blank).  wow!  oh, yes.  went to the atlanta dream wnba game.  they played HARD!  i had honestly started to believe that i was their bad luck charm.  seemed like no matter how great their record, as soon as i started frequenting the games, they’d lose.  well, i must have gotten my mojo back because “we” won!!!  after the game, i headed to my sister’s 30th birthday celebration dinner at a fancy hookah bar.  i only stayed for a little while, stopped by the local bar (my usual friday night spot) and THEN (!) went to a club!  i saw a few cuties.  connected with one.  we’ve had a few text conversations and made tentative plans to get together soon.  i am really, really, really going to have absolutely NO expectations of this one.  just going to play it by ear.  one thing’s for sure: i am no longer putting my time, energy nor money into anyone who isn’t giving the same!  it’s got to be 50/50 at this point.  i’m on a budget… emotionally and financially!

i had several relapses as it were…

the one whose name shall never be spoken (6yr obsession) was at the dream game… looking quite possibly the best i’ve ever seen her.  we spoke very briefly and pretty much acknowledge that we’re still not speaking.  *exhaling slowly*  luckily, the game was soooo good that i didn’t stare at her (well, not the entire time at least).

and the cop (the chick i was really feeling earlier this year) was on my mind heavy.  has been a lot lately, actually.  i miss talking to her and am still plagued by wondering what if and why things never really …

didn’t help that my date last night went through a run-down of my exes.  it was pretty hilarous.  i told him he was the perfect son.  he replied that i was the perfect mom and that we were the perfect family (later including the dog).  he asked me if, when i got another girlfriend, he’d be expected to consider her part of our perfect family.  i told him, “eventually.”  what followed was his 9 year old’s account of the good, the bad and the ugly.  he mentioned some of the most random people (people he barely met once), couldn’t remember several who i thought were more relevant (people we actually lived with & still call to check on him), and had the funniest reasons for liking or not liking each of them.  oh, don’t kids just say the darndest things?

Fitness Fridays- I rode it!

27 Aug

no, not that… but i did take a “ride” on my new elliptical!!

and guess who put it together in an entire evening all by herself?!  my mini-angel was home sick tuesday so i took the early home from work time to piece together the many parts i’d previously thrown arranged in the middle of the living room floor.  unfortunately, the total project did not make it upstairs as i’d planned.  i figured i don’t have much company and when i do, surely she can deal with gym equipment in odd places.  she’s likely there for a workout anyhow *teehee*. 

so, this morning… being “fitness friday” and all, i used it!!!  taking a break for 6 weeks, no matter how in-shape you felt at that time or how many days a week you were working out… is NOT a good idea.  pretty much felt like i was starting over from the beginning.  i worked out, died, came back to life, walked the dog and got ready for work.  i fought with my blender for a half hour before finally throwing the chunky mixture into plastic mardi gras cups and running out the door, kid hot on the heels.

so… that’s about all i got.  stalked the celebrity blogs a bit…  several totally random observations:

supposedly, a middle school in mississippi (anyone surprised?) is segregating their class elections by race.  get this… only whites can run for president!  mixed race kids are to go by the mother’s race since the black fathers “usually aren’t around.”  i’m seriously hoping this is an urban legend.  someone here at work is checking into it now…

why is there (STILL) an issue with interracial dating?  get over it folks.  it’s here to stay.  and again, i ask, why do you care?  oh, yeah… that’s michael ealy and his gf.  black women (more than any other group) are all up in arms about it.

tiny wears this super crazy huge ROCK and ti wears his ring on a chain around his neck (a la carrie from sex & the city when she wasn’t sure about the marraige).  wuzup wit dat?

atlanta’s mayor, kasim reed, looks like the bear from sugar snaps cereal… which, btw, is really gross.  trying to figure out why i loved it so much as a kid?…

atlanta’s (gay) pride is next weekend!!!  we’ve got nikki minaj, ciara, fantasia and amber rose, among others.  y’all just better hope they don’t let me too close to this one. 

one of us just may end up pregnant!